Stacker Tempest Flurry

pros and cons
• Insane Clear Speed
• Boss Destroyer
• High Survivability
• Currency Farmer
• Super Fun
• No so Cheap
• Needs 3 Mandatory Unique Items


- Tempest Flurry our main source of Clear Speed, link it to your left-click shortcut, so you’ll be able to hold Shift and use it while walking.
- Storm Wave a ranged attack that you might want to use in some situations, it’s awesome to clear Rituals because of the big Area of Effect.

- Tempest Bell is an awesome Damage Amplifier, always use them on Bosses to deal a lot more damage. Don’t forget that because of Overabundance, you can have 2 of them at the same time.
- Herald of Ice grants huge explosions that clear your entire screen.

- Herald of Thunder will hit enemies and eventually freeze them, this is going to give use the Ice Bite buff to activate our Herald of Ice all the time.
- Wind Dancer grants a lot of extra Evasion.

- Grim Feast causes enemies killed to restore your Energy Shield and even overflows it up to twice as the maximum amount.
- Use Conduction on Bosses for a lot more damage.

- Voltaic mark increased the magnitude of your shocks, causing Bosses to take even more damage.

skill tree
skill tree steps by level

Advanced Thaumaturgy
Adaptive Capability
Enhanced Effectiveness
Crystalline Potential


optional buffs

the special leveling guide is my way of expressing gratitute to all the members for their incredible support. it counts with:
- 24 hours of early access to leveling instructions.
- checklist of all the 27 campaign missable permanent buffs and where to get them.
- written leveling guide with images.
- direct links to examples of the best leveling items for this particular build being sold by other players.
the usual leveling guide will be available on the complete video guide of this build 24 hours after the release of this written guide on the website.
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