Archmage Arc
pros and cons
• awesome clear speed
• destructive boss damage
• satisfying gameplay
• great survivability
• 6 automatic curses
• instant leech
• expensive
• needs mana on equipment
• needs a lot of cast speed
this is our main source of damage.
p.s. don't worry if you can't get 5 or 6l right away. take your time to farm currency and upgrade your equipment.
conductivity - curse enemies for less lightning resistances.
tempora chains - curse enemies for less movement and action speed.
elemental weakness - curses enemies for less elemental resistances.
enfeeble - curses enemies for less damage.
all of those curses will also be automatically casted by kitava's thirst.
arcane cloak - spends up to 64% of your current mana to create a shield that absorbs damage. It also grants more damage based on the mana spent.
clarity - grants more mana regeneration
determination - grants more armour
P.S. clariy must only be linked to arrogance and determination must only be linked with eternal blessing. you can also replace determination with wrath for more damage and less survivability.
frostblink of wintry blast - is an awesome movement skill when you have a lot of cast speed because you can just zoom throught the maps without cooldown.
sigil of power - creates an area on the floor in which enemies deal less damage and you deal more damage, it gains stages depending on the amount of mana you spend. always use it on bosses.
use this arcaninst brand on bosses to automatically curse them with assassin's mark and punishment for more critical strike chance and damage.
skill tree
skill tree steps by level
conviction of power
divine guidance
sanctuary of thought
arcane blessing
optional buffs
the special leveling guide is my way of expressing gratitute to all the members for their incredible support. it counts with:
- 24 hours of early access to leveling instructions.
- checklist of all the 27 campaign missable permanent buffs and where to get them.
- written leveling guide with images.
- direct links to examples of the best leveling items for this particular build being sold by other players.
the usual leveling guide will be available on the complete video guide of this build 24 hours after the release of this written guide on the website.
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